Grocery Costs are Through the Roof and Might Not Stop

Bryan Miller
Published Sep 5, 2024

If you have been to any grocery store in America in the past six months or so, then you know that prices have surged through the roof. While the federal government and mainstream media are busy every day telling you that the rate of inflation is only at 7% and transitory, the average American is paying at least 40% more for basic essentials. These essentials include things like toilet paper, dish and laundry soap, eggs, milk and bread. This isn't even getting into meats such as chicken, beef and pork.

For people who have not changed their shopping habits, they are paying close to double versus this time last year. That's a huge expense that people have to plan for, and it's an expense that the government and mainstream media are trying very hard to hide from people.

More people than ever are working on a range of money-saving budget tricks, such as clipping coupons, buying generic versions of their favorite items, and taking advantage of the buy-one, get-one offers from stores (BOGO).

Of course, you're living through these historically high prices, and so you likely already have some ideas about how to budget and save, and when and where to cut back. What you may really want to know is (a) what is causing all of these price hikes, and (b) when will they be over?

These are the chief concerns of most Americans right now. Sure, everyone pulls for Ukrainians to be okay and for the war to stop, and people still care about the planet and human rights, etc. Though it's also okay to admit that people are fed up with going broke for seemingly no reason beyond the government being horrible at governing.

Let's have a look at what's actually happening to make these prices increase.

What Causes the Price Hike?

According to the mainstream media and the federal government, the increased expenses you must bear at the grocery store come from three specific things. Corporate greed, Putin's war, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Taking these in order, the first excuse is that corporations are just greedy and charging more because they can. If this is why expenses have gone up so much, why did corporations wait until Biden took office to start charging more? If they could have done this at any time, and given the fact that 90% of corporations are Democratic donors who were anti-Trump, why didn't they start any of these price hikes under Trump? If anything, it would have made him look bad.

So, while corporations are charging more, researched statistics actually show that their price hikes are to cover their increased production costs. Most corporations are balanced or actually losing some money. It's a lie to claim they're making record profits post-COVID spending. They're just not.

Second on the list, Putin's war is supposedly causing price hikes at the grocery store. Though this is another one that just doesn't make sense. Putin's invasion of Ukraine is barely two months old, whereas expenses have been steadily climbing for nearly two years. How does Putin factor into the steep rise throughout the entire calendar year of 2021? Here's another area where people are being gaslit to avoid turning on their elected officials.

Lastly, and the newest excuse on the list, the federal government and mainstream media have been blaming Abbott, the Governor of Texas, for increased expenses at the grocery store. They claim that because he's performing searches on trucks crossing the border to ensure that there are no illegal immigrants, drugs or weapons, this has stopped the supply chain.

There are a couple of huge errors in this reasoning, however. For starters, this would assume that all of America's food comes from Mexico into the US for delivery. The US imports only some fruits and vegetables from Mexico. So even if Abbott held every single truck up, this would just mean empty shelves where produce should be, not price hikes. Plus, you have to consider he's only stopping them to search, which at worst causes delays and not increased prices.

It Might Not Stop

The sad fact is that these cost increases might not stop, and that's why the entire Democratic organization is working so hard to pawn these increased expenses off on someone else. The real reason the prices are increasing is that the supply is dropping on most food due to environmental regulations, and also the fact that trillions in fake money printed over the past few years is just causing the dollar to lose its value.

Plan accordingly, because these increased expenses will likely continue to get worse.

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