Need Some Relief When It Comes to Expenses? This Quick Guide Can Help You

Audrey Conn
Published Aug 14, 2024

Are you beyond frustrated these days trying to manage a budget, battle inflation and get ahead of the game? It isn't so easy, but there are some good expense-reduction tips that work and can make a difference. You have zero to lose, so sit back and keep reading along. You will get through these challenging times.


Save Energy at Home

Just by switching up your lighting, you can cut down on energy costs. For example, one of the simplest ways is to swap out your traditional lightbulbs, and replace them with LEDs. Next, if it's practical, have dimmer light switches installed in every room so you can make the most of the daylight. Light dimmers are great because they give off an attractive aesthetic appeal. More importantly, they reduce energy consumption and cut costs on your power bill.

Here's another tip: Buy a smart thermostat that can adjust the temperature of the room throughout the day. Changing the thermostat by just a couple of degrees can make a major difference.

Another old-fashioned tip is unplugging every unused electrical device. A number of electronic devices draw a small amount of juice when not in use, and it can really add up.


Ditch the Landline?

No, you don't have to get rid of your landline, but if you're looking to cut down on personal expenses, consider it. For example, a landline can run up your phone bill, especially if you enjoy added benefits such as caller ID, voicemail and more. Long-distance calls are pricey, too. Then, there are those annoying telemarketers and scammers who enjoy targeting the landline user.

Make your cell phone your primary communication piece because you can find decent smartphone plans to save you extra bucks. Going totally wireless can be economical and reliable by choosing a system that combines cellular and internet access to cover you in case of an emergency.


Opt For Cheaper Housing

This isn't always possible, but if you decide to rent rather than purchase a home, you have advantages. For instance, you are probably going to pay less per month in rent than you would having a mortgage. Also, you don't have to shell out for home repairs or pay for any homeowner association dues, etc.

When you rent, you could also get a roommate to keep expenses down. Or maybe you could move into a smaller rental or apartment.


Shop Around for Cheaper Insurance

Here's another area where expenses can skyrocket. Home insurance, health insurance and auto insurance are always going up each year. However, there are ways to save some money and stay within your budget. For example, you could bundle all three coverages under the same company and receive a discount.

Or, you could choose insurance coverage with a higher deductible rate. That means you would pay more before insurance contributed to a claim.


Wean Off Credit Card Usage

This isn't so easy to do. Credit cards have been the perfect way to pay for stuff during inflationary times. However, when that bill arrives, it can be shocking. Did you know that credit card debt levels by Americans have surpassed $1 trillion, according to recent data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York?

That is not good news and can get most folks into financial trouble. On average, Americans carry $6,194 in credit card debt. The way to cut down on expenses is to switch to cash only. This will force you to rein in spending and to live frugally.


Ask for Government Assistance

There are a number of excellent programs out there that the federal government can help you with. You can find out if you qualify. TANF is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. There is also Unemployment Insurance (UI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Student Financial Aid (SFA), Affordable Connectivity Program, etc.

This is merely scratching the surface. Click on this link here to find all of the programs mentioned above and to apply for them. There are also food assistance programs, retirement programs and even tax filing assistance programs.

Expenses can seem like a dirty word these days, especially because inflation stubbornly remains at 3.2% going into the fall. You don't want to get trapped with high-interest rates and owe a boatload of money. Follow the guide listed above, and good luck.

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