Revealing Lesser-Known Social Security Rules Every American Should Know

Jeannie Dare
Published Sep 25, 2024

Planning for retirement is like piecing together a complex puzzle, and Social Security plays a pivotal role in that picture.

Beyond the basics of retirement age and claiming strategies, there are some lesser-known rules that might catch you by surprise.

Let's dive into these hidden gems that could make or break your retirement game.

Ever heard of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)?

It's like the ninja of Social Security rules, sneaking up on folks who've earned a pension in a non-Social Security-covered job.

Teachers, firefighters, and other public servants, take note! WEP could shrink your benefits, so it's crucial to factor this into your retirement calculations.

Then there's the Government Pension Offset (GPO), another undercover agent affecting spousal or survivor benefits.

If you receive a government pension from non-Social Security work, your spousal benefits might get a trim. Public service workers, you might want to give this rule a second look to avoid any surprises in your retirement income.

Divorcees, here's a nugget for you: did you know you might still be entitled to spousal benefits based on your ex's work record?

If your marriage lasted a decade or more, and you're over 62 and unmarried, it's worth exploring this potential financial boost.

Now, let's talk about the Earnings Test – the rule that comes into play if you're still earning while collecting Social Security.

If you claim benefits before hitting full retirement age and keep working, they might withhold some of your Social Security dollars if your earnings surpass a certain limit.

It's like a temporary hold on your benefits until you hit the magic full retirement age.

In the grand scheme of things, these Social Security secrets could make a big difference in your retirement income. Whether you're dancing with the WEP, dodging the GPO, exploring post-divorce benefits, or juggling the Earnings Test, being in the know is your ticket to a smoother retirement ride.

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